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annual earnings中文

用"annual earnings"造句"annual earnings" in a sentence"annual earnings"怎麼讀


  • 每年收益額
  • 年度所得
  • 年收益


  • You must show your annual earnings in the tax form
  • I need a bank statement to prove my annual earnings
  • At five times their annual earnings , that ' s a similar figure to workers accepting risky jobs in rich countries
  • Russia and won last year , sits atop the female athlete income rankings , with annual earnings estimated at 18 - 23 million . aside from her
  • Average annual earnings growth excluding bonuses - regarded as the best measure of pay inflation - dipped by 0 . 1 of a percentage point to 3 . 5 per cent during the three months to the end of may
    在截至5月底的3個月中,扣除獎金的平均年收入增幅(被視為衡量薪資上漲的最佳指標)下降了0 . 1個百分點,至3 . 5 % 。
  • With the advent of a new enterprise income tax law , enterprises ' charity donations of less than 12 percent of its total annual earnings will be tax free , instead of the three percent under the former provisional regulation
    隨著新的企業所得稅法臨近實施,相比于之前的暫行條例中慈善捐贈的免稅比例從年收入的3 %改為了12 % 。
  • 14 . the second and the third highest paid graduates are both working in international investment banks . they receive an attractive basic salary and bonuses that help jet up their total annual earnings to hk 920 , 000 and hk 800 , 000 respectively
    14 .第二及第三最高收入畢業生均在國際投資銀行工作,由于薪金優厚并花紅可觀,每年總收入分別為92萬港元及80萬港元。
用"annual earnings"造句  


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